Saturday, October 2, 2021

"Fracked" by Maureen Driscoll

Current Tags

demons, romance, humor, horror, paranormal romance


Paranormal / Mystery

Affiliate Link

Author's Description

When fracking opens up a portal to hell, the only people standing in the way of Earth's destruction are the residents of an over-55 community in the California desert.

Why I Chose it

I tried to find a mystery story that wasn't just someone's novel broken up to fit the format, and ran across this. How can you not check out a story with that description?

From the author's note at the end of the first episode, it looks like this has been adapted from an unproduced television series, which makes sense -- it has a very visual feel to it. The writing is occasionally a little rough, but the plot seems to be going someplace. I don't have a great sense of the characters yet, but I don't dislike them either (and trust me, there's a line between funny and asshole that's pretty easy to cross for authors who aren't working to stay away from it).

[30 episodes, with 0 updates in the last 30 days but I think this one may be completed. Sure would be nice if there were some way to tell completed stories from the user interface Kindle Vella, ahem, but I'm sure Amazon is busy with other things.]

Who Might Like This

Demons rising up in the desert! Horror fans who love more visual fiction should check this out.

Unrelated Griping

[I'm adding this section just to have someplace to talk about all the stuff I looked at before settling on this story. Seriously. I deserve a freaking medal. Kindle Vella is going to fail hard if there's not an easier way to find what you're looking for. ]

I ran across a story today which had been updated once in the past 30 days and the title was something like "Great Works of Fiction For Discerning Customers, And To Hell With The Rest Of You". Bold strategy there, Mr. Author, insulting potential readers. Maybe it will work out for you. (See also the line between funny and asshole mentioned above. This one crosses it, at least for me.) I checked out the first episode and... I'll be nice and just say it could use some editing.

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