Wednesday, January 12, 2022

"Lily" by E. G. Creel

Kindle Vella cover for "Lily" by E. G. Creel

Current Tags

misadventure, dark fantasy, antihero, short episodes


Fantasy / Action & Adventure

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Author's Description

Lily was born with a shadow, and everyone knows shadows are very bad luck. Join in the misadventures of Lily and her shadow with episodes only on Kindle Vella.

Why I Chose it

This story starts with a child being born under such a terrible omen that the baby needs to be killed. Then, of course, that goes wrong and the plot tumbles along from there. The feeling evoked is familiar (but the story definitely isn't one I know) and I finally decided it's because it feels like the book of Russian fairy tales I had as a kid — things go wrong, everyone agrees about what must happen next even though they are very sad about it, but then something thwarts that action to the secret delight of the main characters. In any case, the episodes are very short and move things along at a quick clip.

[Complete at 12 episodes.]

Who Might Like This

Are you a fantasy fan who likes the feel of fairy tales? Check this out!

Unrelated Griping

Apparently Kindle Vella is now available for Android users.

(This is the point as an Apple user where I have to refrain from making jokes about Android users and whether they can read. I guess I should point out my proofreader is an Android user...)

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